John Markoff (2005)
Another history of the early days of computing. The goal is to link the rise of personal computing to the rise of the counterculture and (especially) to the psychedelics of the acid tests of the Merry Pranksters. There’s some overlap in individuals, notably Stewart Brand (who makes a brief appearance in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test). But overall it seems something of a stretch: the most influential players at the time (Doug Engelbart, Alan Kay) weren’t especially counter-cultural. But the contrast between the corporate computing world and those of Engelbart and Kay – and for all their differences they share a lot of similarities – is profound, and it’s sad that in many ways the corporate side won: modern software draws on the surface aspects of Kay’s work on Smalltalk, for example, but at a deeper level is more heavily influenced by corporate needs, and that’s become even more pronounced in the years since this book was written.
4/5. Finished Wednesday 9 December, 2020.
(Originally published on Goodreads.)