A PhD position is available at UCD, my old employer, int he area of location sensing.
A PhD position is available at UCD, my old employer, int he area of location sensing.
As part of the Science of Sensor Systems Software programme we have a 3-year postdoc post available. The S4 programme aims to develop a unifying science, across the breadth of mathematics, computer science and engineering, that will let developers engineer for the uncertainty and ensure that their systems and the information they provide is resilient, responsive, reliable, statistically sound and robust. The vision is smarter sensor based systems in which scientists and policy makers can ask deeper questions and be confident in obtaining reliable answers, so the programme will deliver new principles and techniques for the development and deployment of verifiable, reliable, autonomous sensor systems that operate in uncertain, multiple and multi-scale environments. S4 is funded by EPSRC as a five-year, £5.2M Programme Grant. It brings together four of the UK’s leading research teams in sensor systems, their design, analysis, deployment, and evaluation. Led overall by Prof Muffy Calder at the University of Glasgow, the other academic collaborators are the University of St Andrews (Prof Simon Dobson), the University of Liverpool (Prof Michael Fisher), and Imperial College (Prof Julie McCann). S4 also includes a portfolio of industrial partners ranging from start-up SMEs to multinational companies and State agencies. St Andrews leads the work on adaptive systems engineering, especially on how systems need to change as time progresses, the system components fail, and goals change. We are looking for someone to join us to work on how to program adaptive sensor systems. A strong track record in sensor systems, programming languages, data analytics, or another related area is essential, as is an ability to work within a larger team using formal methods, advanced statistics, and novel programming languages and approaches You can find full application details here.
An enjoyable and fascinating collection of grotesqueries, somewhat marred by the self-consciousness of some of the language. There are some wonderful anecdotes and a lot of kind insight into the human condition, especially as experienced by those with unusual neurological function, whether “natural” or caused by brain damage. But some of the language used is simply annoying (“egurgitations”? “vociferating”? – really?), and Sacks falls into something a trap in not being able to decide whether to use – or not use – the medical terminology, with the result that one neither sees enough to make it familiar nor avoids enough to hear about the conditions in commonplace terms.
3/5. Finished Tuesday 2 May, 2017.
(Originally published on Goodreads.)
Not so much a book to read as one to sink into, preferably with a map beside you to help plan trips. The diversity of islands around Scotland is quite breathtaking, both in terms of their sizes and inhabitants, but also in terms of their ownerships (who knew Buddhist monks favoured islands in the Clyde?).
It’s hard to read this book without being reminded of DH Lawrence‘s short story “The man who loved islands”. Anyone who loves them won’t be disappointed.
5/5. Finished Friday 14 April, 2017.
(Originally published on Goodreads.)
I wanted to like this book, but it’s actually a bit disappointing. I think perhaps that’s because it tries too hard. There’s a lot of fascinating information about waves in here, and an accessible overview of the physics of the various phenomena. But there’s also a lot of stretching to make things waves that really aren’t, and certainly aren’t in the same category of being watched as ocean waves. A more focused book might have achieved the author’s aims more effectively.
2/5. Finished Thursday 13 April, 2017.
(Originally published on Goodreads.)